How to use the Variation Manager
The Variation Manager is your one stop shop for updating prices but be careful as once you change your prices, this has immediate effect across the system.
Choose which product(s) you would like to search for the price variations for, you can leave this blank to search for all price variations of all products
This will then display all available price variations in a table - the max amount displayed and to bulk update is 100 prices.
To update inline:
- Click on the price that you want to change the price of. You can then free type the new price and save the change.
- You can also edit the name of the variation, local fees, the start date and the end date.
- For any more advance settings click on the edit button on the right to take you through to the variation edit page where you can fully edit the price.
To Bulk update Prices:
- Select which prices you would like to update (there is an all or none button to help you select and deselect quickly)
- Adjust all the price by a percentage - For example all prices are going up 10% this year
- Adjust all the prices by an amount - For example all prices are going up $10 this year
- Update all prices to be a fixed amount - For example you have 4 products that are all the same price and are changing them all to a new fixed price.
- You also are able to bulk update local fess in the same way.
- Once you are happy press Update and this will make and save those changes