How to use the Till Cash out

Before using the Till Cash out function of OperatorHub. Please ensure you have setup your system preferences correctly to your buisness requirements

  1. Till Cashout per user - Each user has a log in and is responsible for the money that they individually take
  2. Till Cashout per Payment location - Multiple users at one location can collectively add to the same cash out. Required if you are taking payments at multiple locations - for example head office taking phone bookings and res on site collecting walk in payments
  3. Till Cashout for all payments - Regardless of who or where the payment is taken. All payments will appear on the Cash out

If your buisness sells packages you can choose for your cash out to recognise the payment as being recieved for the package or be broken down so that each element is account for individually

Once your set up using the Till Cashout is very straightforward

  1. Select operations
  2. Select Till Cash out - this will display any completed till cashouts
  3. Select create new cashout
  4. You are then given the option to cashout for all payments on the day or up untill a certain time (if you are working in shifts)

On the left hand side are the products you have sold today - Delivered products, paid for and departed on the same day. Paid today DOT (Date of travel) future and prepaid DOT today for orders that have been split today for travel but have been purchased previously.

On the right hand side is your expected Payments and Till balance - Here you are given the details of what the system expects your till to have. You manually reconcille you till against these numbers and enter the figures into the Actual value fields. Once they balance the till balance will turn green and your good to Confirm and send it for approval. You are able to use permissions to allow only Admin staff to approve cashouts.

If you have any indescrepencies you are able to click on the little magnifying glass to show the order information. These are links so you can click on them to navigate to the order to change the details - for example changing a cash payment to a credit card payment.

Important note: If using the till cash out Agent bookings for the future will appear if manually made and will display in the till cash-out to be reconciled. A pending voucher payment is available so that you can mark agent vouchers as PAID on the day you receive the voucher so that you have a physical ticket to reconcile with

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