How to setup your staff

You can setup staff that can be assigned to events. Basically these are a type of user but can have attributes and other things assigned to them.

  1. Click Operations
  2. Choose Staff Setup
  3. Click Create new staff



  1. Internal User: -?
  2. Class name;
    Driver (this is the name of the class group for all internal staff regardless of their title...guides, pilots, skippers, etc.)
  3. Username - this must be unique same with other users so if anyone across our client base has already chosen this username it will be unavailable.
  4. Weight - required for business that have load capacities.
  5. Active staff member: you can choose no to remove staff from selection
  6. Email - enter an email address for the user. this can be used to automatically email manifests
  7. First name & Surname - this appears in top right of OperatorHub so choose a name that will make sense to the agent
  8. Nickname - for use on manifests (if left blank it will use first and last name)
  9. Password: Create them an easy one like [name]. If you don’t want to know what it is then require them to pick there own when they sign in.
  10. Quick links: these appear at the top of the home screen/dashboard and are customisable to each user. Select which you would like them to be able to view. Manifests or checkin are the most useful for Driver users.
  11. Add user

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