How to create an email template

Creating your Email Template is super easy!

  1. Click Marketing
  2. Select Email Template Manager - this will list all current email templates
  3. Select the setup Tab to start creating a new email template



You are able to add your content either by free text or by Source, which is in basic HTML. To add images, you will need to send these to the server using the Add Image button.


Email Properties

  1. Name of template - Name your template something logical so you can easily find it, especially if you use multiple marketing emails.
  2. Subject - This is the subject line that will be displayed in the email
  3. Content - The content or main body of your email. Contact OperatorHub if you need help with shortcodes, for example adding <customername> for a more personalised email.
  4. System generated attachments - Here you can add attachments such as vouchers or itineraries, anything that is created or attachable within OperatorHub from the order or product
  5. Additional Attachments - Select Yes and you can add any other attachment that you might require. If you have a pre departure check list or waiver that needs to be filled out in advance
  6. Send EmailLogs to Admin - this feature is for you to check that emails have been sent If it is set to Yes a log will be sent to you recording the emails that have been sent out at each schedule. Please note: for emails set to send at order time, you will be notified with a log every-time a booking is made.

Create Constraints

  1. Product Name - You can select the email to only send when certain products are purchased. you can add as many product to the list as you like
  2. Supplier Name - You can select the email to only send when products by a certain supplier or suppliers are purchased.
  3. Agency - You can select to only send the email when purchased by specific agencies
  4. Recipient(s) - Choose who you would like to send the email to. The Customer, the Agent or the assigned customer (for use with gift vouchers)

Schedule Template for Automation

  1. Automate Email Dispatch - Select Yes and then choose one of the following options only.
  2. At Order Time - This will tigger the email when the order is checked out (instant confirmations)
  3. After upgrading from waiting list - This is for route and pass products. If customers are on a waitlist and then they get automatically upgraded, this trigger can be used to automatically email them their confirmation, or an email saying they have been upgraded.
  4. Travel date dependent - The most common scheduled email. You can select to send day(s) before or after the travel date. This can be by the earliest travel date or by the latest. Earliest is the standard as most companies will only have the one travel date. (If you have a multi day product or package you may want to set this to latest to send after all order items have been completed/travelled)

Finally click Setup at the bottom and this will save and set up the Scheduled email as per the information you have provided!

Congratulations you have created an email and scheduled it to send automatically!

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