How to use supplier reconciliation?

Supplier Reconciliation is where you can see the products sold in your OperatorHub and assign them to invoices that you have received. This way you can manually check that you have sold each item at the right price check commission rates and match it off against the invoice (reconcile).

  1. Choose Suppliers
  2. Choose Supplier Reconciliation


On this screen will list all your completed reconciliations in date order. You can use the search function to quickly find old supplier reconciliations as required, view them, edit or delete them if they were incorrect.


To create a new reconciliation click the, "create new supplier reconciliation" button on the top right or in the menu.


Reconciliation Reference

This area is to record all the details of the invoice and will be how you identify it later.

  1. Supplier: Choose the supplier that you have received the invoice from
  2. Date: The date the invoiced was received. (usually on the invoice)
  3. Invoice Number: Invoice number to identify the invoice
  4. Invoice Ref: Invoice reference to help identify the invoice

Search Ordered items

In this area you can change the parameters of the search to help find order items quicker.

  1. Order ID
  2. Ordered
  3. Last Editied
  4. Voucher Code
  5. Supplier reference
  6. Item Status
  7. Reconciliation ID
  8. Travel Status
  9. Event ID
  10. Member First Name
  11. Member Surname
  12. Customer Number
  13. Travel Date
  14. Sequence Number
  15. Tags
  16. Reconciled
  17. Results per page

Of these the most important are the last two. Reconciled and results per page.

Reconciled: In general you always want to be searching for not reconciled items as these will be the ones to attached. However sometimes you may need to change this to find order items that have already been attached to previous invoices.

Results per page: Change this higher if there are lots of items to be attached or searched through as you cannot add items that are on alternate pages.


When you have searched all available order items will appear, select the ones that your require for the invoice by ticking the tick box on the left. As you can see there is a total amount, a total margin and atotal cost price. This should match to your invoice.

Press "Attach selected order items to invoice" button and it will attach everything chosen and take you to your reconciliation this is a summary where you can then match against your invoice.

If you missed anything you can add more or if it is correct you can print it and attach it to your invoice so you know it has been checked.


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