How to set up your product so it is WebsiteTravel ready?

So your ready to integrate your OperatorHub account with WebsiteTravel Marketplace. Excellent! We have a fully integrated API which enables you to set up your product in the comfort of your OperatorHub and then automatically push it all through to Website Travel. So what do you need to do? 

  1. First up you must contact our Team. One of our staff will need to switch you on in order to start using this functionality.
  2. Once your all set up. In each product you will now have a new Tab. For all the products you want to appear on WebsiteTravel you will have to complete the set up as below and make sure you have information in all areas.

WebsiteTravel Specifics

Screen_Shot_2018-02-13_at_2.50.23_PM.pngGuide Tab

This contains useful information for you to help with the successful update of the product.

  1. 5 product images MUST be loaded into the product. This is a requirement from Website Travel and your push will not be successful if these have not been pre loaded into the product. If you have not already loaded pictures in you can do this in the product information section of the Main Tab in the productScreen_Shot_2017-10-02_at_10.29.38_AM.png
  2. Keep formatting to a minimum
  3. Make sure your client information and Supplier information is set up completely.
  4. There must also be information in the Voucher section of your product information, this can be either in the middle or the bottom. 




Ensure there is less than 300characters or you will not be able to push the product to Website Travel


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