How to set up a Pass Product?
To create a pass, you would have needed to create Route products that would have acted as the Sectors within a pass.
These routes should represent a days worth of travel. To set up a route, please look at the Route Set up Page.
1. Click Products
2. Click All Products
3. Click Create New Product
4. Add a Product Title
5. Add a Product Code
6. Select Pass Product as your product type
7. Select any relevant menu categories
8. Select a supplier
9. Click Add Product
The Main Tab, Menu Categories, Commission and configuration are the same as the set up as any other product. You can find the setup for a general product here.
The itinerary is where you are going to choose the different Routes/Sectors for the different days of the pass.
To begin just select Add Route in the Itinerary tab.
A pop up will appear that will allow you pick a route and the day that it travels.
Once you have selected all your routes and days, they will appear under itinerary where you can ensure they are correct. The timetables from the Routes will pull over into the pass.
Now that you have added your routes into your pass, you will just need to add relevant prices for it to be sellable.
To set up prices, just go to the pricing article.