How to cancel an order
Cancelling bookings is super easy. The Cancel Wizard will cancel the booking and refund the booking all in one simple step
- First open up the Order you want to cancel
- Click the Actions button
- Cancel Order
- This then takes you to the "cancel wizard" screen
- Quantity to Cancel - Firstly you will want to choose how many people you would like to cancel.
- Price to be refunded - Then you can choose how much you want to refund this will usually be 100% unless you are keeping any of the money (for example 24hour cancellation policy) in which case you can change the percentage or a fixed amount to refund.
- Cancelled item commission - If the booking was made by an agent you can decide whether or not they are keeping their original commission.
- Once you have enter these then at the bottom this will automatically update the amount to refund.
- Payment history - is a record of the payments made so you can easily see how to process the refund.
- Maximum Refund amount - this is telling you how much has been paid in-total. It will not let you refund higher than this amount.
- Refund Payment Amount - Automatically changes to the amount calculated in the table above. You can put through a smaller amount if you are splitting the refund payments or if the customer has not requested their money back yet so you do not want to add a payment against the order. (in the screenshot i have changed my refund to 0)
- Refund method - The payment type you are refunding to, above this is the history section if you require to refund back the same way the customer paid.
- Refund notes - This is a required field. You must enter a reason before continuing
- Press the Cancel order button at the bottom
- Congratulations you have now cancelled your booking!
- If you changed the refund payment amount in step 7 then your booking will state it is unpaid. You will need to add a refund payment at a later date to make this balance. follow the how to here for more information on adding payments
Please note: if you are part canceling a booking, then the price to be refunded is only on the canceled part not the entire booking.