How to make a group booking for a product
Click make a booking and then add a product or if you have the "Quicklink" on your home screen you can click straight into book a product.
This will open up your make a booking pop up
- Agency - you can free type the agent name if it is not a direct booking. This will default back to your company unless you have specified your user to use a different agency.
- Book (pick a product) - you can free type to find the product name click to select the product you want to buy. Please note: If you have Route products set up/ available for purchase then you will be given the choice of products or journeys. Journeys is for booking on your route system. Products is for all other products.
- Date choose the date you want to book for.
- Price Variations - These are just all the different available types of prices e.g adult, child, student. You can select how many of each you want the booking to be for.
- Depending on what "configurations" are set for the product you are purchasing it will ask you for
- pick a time
- pick up location
- start time
- end time
- etc
Complete all required fields (red astrix) to continue. - Add related products - if any related products are available you can also book these at the same time in the same manor.
- Press "Add Product" Button
If you want to add more products at the top of the checkout screen is an add a product button, press this and repeat above instructions until you have everything that the customer wants to purchase in your "cart" or checkout screen
- There is a summary of all the products you have purchased. you can take this oppurtunity to make sure all relevant information is there, all dates, times and prices are correct as per the customers request.
- Enter Customer Information - remember some products may require more information than others, for example weights. These are all set up in the "fields" area of the product or in your system preferences. As OperatorHub runs on the internet if you are to navigate away from the page or refresh it then this information can disappear. There is a Save Details button you can press to store all this information
- Notes - press the add notes to the order button. These can be private (do not tick any box) for the customer (Visible on voucher) for the operator (Visible on manifest) or for everyone (tick both boxes)
- Manage Customer Email - choose here if you do not want the customer to receive an email receipt or voucher
- Agency - if it is a direct sale then no information will be required. Agent bookings will require a reference number and name.
- Amount to pay - the total of the whole order
- Payment Method - Choose how the customer is paying. (if an agent booking then Agent Voucher will appear)
- Amount being paid now - enter how much you are collecting. (This is a free type area as you may have split payments so you can pay half in cash and half on card)
- Payment Notes - if required you can enter notes here to be associated with the payment.
- Place order and view receipt - Congratulations you have made a booking!
- If you do not want the booking any more you can press cancel order and it will remove everything and give you a blank checkout to start again. Hold this order will hold the seats and put the booking into held orders to come back to later. (useful if the customer has forgot money and needs to go and come back and you want to serve another customer)