How to edit the product prices and fees

Once an order has been completed you can still edit the price, add discounts/fees change the cost price or commissions. All of this is done under the administration edit section. The icon for this more financial edit is a small spanner.

  1. Open the order you wish to edit
  2. Press the administration edit button (blue spanner button)
  3. This opens up the editing screen



  1. Price
    - Unit Price: You can change the amount that you want to sell the product for
    - Cost Price: You can edit the cost associated to this product
    - Has Commission: If the product was sold by an agent you can edit how much commission they receive. or turn it off completely
  2. Discounts/Fees
    - Discount/fee: select one
    - Fee or Discount type: This can be either Fixed or a percentage amount, enter the value underneath
    - Category: If you have set up fee categories then you can select one here
    - Comment: add a note to the fee or discount so it is recognisable as to why it has occurred
  3. Local Fees
    - Add or edit local fees if they exist for your product. A local fee is usually a fee that is collected in person when the customer travels.

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